Let’s just admit it—mornings can be tough. When the alarm clock goes off, it can be so tempting to just hit snooze and snuggle down into the blankets. But suddenly, you’re late and rushing out the door with no breakfast, hair a mess, and your keys are nowhere to be found. This hectic start can cause the rest of your day to feel rushed, stressful, and overall have a negative tone. When you create a routine, your mornings will not only go smoother, but your days will be more productive, and you’ll feel better when you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to boost your morning routine.

1. No Snoozing

In order to feel your best, it’s important to prioritize sleep. Be sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and most importantly—do not hit the snooze button on your morning alarm. Allowing yourself to snooze disrupts the natural reaction your body has to hearing your alarm go off, which can make your alarm less effective over time and make it more difficult to wake up. No matter what time you decide to set your alarm, make sure you get out of bed after turning it off. Your body will thank you!

2. Make Your Bed

Once you are out of bed and ready to start your day, turn around and make your bed. It may seem like a simple task, but it can have a lasting effect on you. Making your bed will give you a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning, which can help you be more productive throughout the rest of the day. It’s like waking up and immediately crossing something off your to-do list.

3. Move It!

One of the best ways to start your morning for your brain and body is to prioritize movement early in the day. Simply doing 5-10 minutes of stretching can work wonders to wake up your muscles from being stationary and relaxed all night. Taking a walk or hitting the gym are other great options that will help get your blood pumping and wake your body up naturally without the help of caffeine.

4. Write It Down

Nighttime and morning routines prime you for success. Before you go to bed at night, take some time to identify your most important tasks you want to accomplish for the coming day. This will not only help you stay on task the next day but allow you to sleep better at night once your thoughts are in writing. Start your morning reviewing this to-do list. Don’t leave this task up to just any pen. Choose a high-performance pen that speaks to your personal style like the Sarasa Grand Retractable Gel Pen. Featuring a heavy-duty barrel in multiple fashion colors, it combines elegance and performance to help you stand out. If ballpoint pens are more your thing, try out the F-402 Ballpoint Retractable Pen. It features a comfort grip and premium metal barrel that you’ll notice as soon as you pick it up. The right pen can help you feel unstoppable. Learn more about how you can Choose Different with Zebra.

5. Stay Hydrated

One of the easiest things you can do to feel better and be your best self is to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can help keep energy levels up, flush out toxins, boost your metabolism, and more. Often, our bodies become dehydrated while we are asleep. Start your morning routine by drinking a large glass of water to kick start your systems and rehydrate yourself. Keep this up throughout the day for best results.

6. The Most Important Meal of the Day

We’ve all heard the old adage, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”—and it’s true. Making breakfast part of your morning routine, even if it’s a granola bar or a smoothie, can give you multiple benefits throughout your day. It can improve your focus and productivity, and even kick start your metabolism. You might even find that you make healthier choices the rest of the day once you start on the right foot. Mornings don’t have to be as rough as they are. Incorporating even just a few of these tips into your morning routine can make a significant difference.