When it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you want, what do you do? How do you handle work and personal life? Work-life balance is something everyone struggles with at one point or another, but it is achievable. Just like anything else, it takes skill and practice. Check out our 7 tips to help achieve a better balance, and to start feeling happier both in and outside of work.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Everyone has goals they want to achieve in both their professional and personal lives. But sometimes we reach too far or make our goals too big and as a result, they become overwhelming and feel unachievable. Start by setting realistic, SMART goals; ones that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. These types of goals can be tackled by breaking them up into smaller steps and goals. You’ll feel satisfied achieving small wins along the way and stay motivated to move towards the next step.

2. Learn to Say No

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and work starts to spill into personal time, it’s often a sign that you might have too much on your plate. Learning how to say no is critical in achieving better work-life balance, but it will first take some practice. Get comfortable with your assertiveness by practicing during situations where the stakes are lower. This can help you build courage to say no in more difficult situations—after all, confidence is a muscle we all need to exercise. You’ll find that you’ll feel happier and more balanced when you prioritize what you really want and say no to things you don’t.

3. Be a Planner

Still feeling like there’s never enough time for everything? If so, you might not be scheduling your time effectively. Putting your to-do’s on paper in a planner can help you become better at time management, and more easily keep track of events, appointments, errands, and tasks. The smooth flowing ink of the STEEL G-402 Gel Retractable Pen makes creating lists easy, while the STEEL PM-701 Permanent Marker is perfect for drawing attention to your most pressing tasks.

4. Concentrate on One Thing

Take every day and every task one step at a time. Oftentimes when we think we’re multitasking, we aren’t really doing two things at once—but instead, doing individual actions in rapid succession. Take a task, whether it be professional or personal, and give it your full attention. Finish the task, and then move on to the next one. Being “where your feet are” allows you to be present in the moment and focus more clearly.

5. Have the Right Tools

Whether it’s needing a specific piece of software to better perform a function in your work role or having the right stylish pens in hand to help you stand out in your office meeting, having the right tools matter. When you’re equipped with products that are reliable and high quality, you perform better, too. The Sarasa Grand Retractable Pen combines quality performance and style, making it the perfect tool for crossing off your to-do list and making a great impression. If you’re looking for durability and reliability without compromising on sleekness, look no further than the STEEL F-701 ALL METAL Ballpoint Retractable Pen. These are also great options for interview pens.

6. Disconnect from Time to Time

It’s easy to get sucked into tasks and feel like you have to be available 24/7 for both life and work. Taking time to disconnect from the outside world can be difficult, but it is necessary. Put down the phone, put away the computer, and take a deep breath. Giving yourself time to disconnect can help you refocus and go back into work refreshed and ready to take on anything that comes your way!

7. Practice Self Care

Being burnt out can affect not just your mental wellbeing, but also your physical health. In order to destress and restore, we recommend intentionally setting aside time to practice selfcare—otherwise, it may never be a priority. Do the simple things that will make you feel better; Drink lots of water, take a walk, unplug, and take quiet time when it’s necessary. Taking care of yourself will positively effect both your work life and your personal life. Attempting to find work-life balance can be tricky but if you start with small steps, you will see how they lead to big changes. There are many benefits of work-life balance but the biggest is being able to enjoy both separately. You can love your job and love your downtime without sacrificing either.